The Thief and the Monkey

A storekeeper used a monkey to guard his store, but a thief thought up a way to fool the monkey.
He walked into the shop and made funny faces, opening his mouth and wiggling his nose; the monkey imitated him. Then the thief covered his eyes with his fingers; the monkey imitated him again. While the monkey couldn't see, the thief robbed the store.
The angry storekeeper beat the monkey.
The next day the thief came back, but this time the monkey used his fingers to hold his eyes open, as if to say, "You won't fool me this time."

Inspired byMille Fabulae et Una, a collection of Latin fables that I've edited, free to read online. I am not translating the Latin here; instead, I am just telling a 100-word version of the fable.
Notes: This is fable 121 in the book, which is Perry 643. In the original story, the shop owner and the man make a bet at first, but I couldn't fit that into this short version of the story, so I made the thief a criminal from the start.

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