The Fox, the Dog, and the Rabbit

A dog had chased down a fox and was about to devour her, but the fox shouted, "Wait! Look at that lovely rabbit: her flesh would be tender and sweet, not like my tough old flesh."
The greedy dog went racing away after the rabbit, but the rabbit got away, and so did the sly fox.
When the rabbit ran into the fox the next day, she squealed angrily. "You're no friend of mine!"
The fox was indignant. "I have no idea what you're talking about, my dear rabbit. I said nothing but nice things about you to the dog."

Inspired by: Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists by Roger L'Estrange, 338.
Notes: This fable is not part of the classical Aesop tradition; find out more here (Abstemius).

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