The Elephant Head of Gajasura

Some say that Ganesha's elephant head once belonged to Gajasura, the Elephant-Demon.
Gajasura worshiped Shiva with such fervor that Shiva granted him any wish.
"I wish to consume you!" said Gajasura, so Shiva thus disappeared into Gajasura's stomach.
No one knew where he was, except Vishnu. To rescue Shiva, Vishnu appeared before Gajasura as a flutist.
"Your music is enchanting!" declared Gajasura. "Name your reward."
"Is there anything beyond your power?" Vishnu asked.
"Nothing is beyond my power!" shouted Gajasura.
"Then release Shiva!" demanded Vishnu.
Shiva emerged, and Gajasura offered his head and his skin to Shiva as a gift.

Inspired byStories of Lord Ganesha
Notes: In some versions, Shiva's bull Nandi accompanies Vishnu, dancing to Vishnu's music.

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