The Demon Lobhasura

Kubera, god of wealth, lusted after the goddess Parvati. She glared at Kubera angrily, which terrified him. His fear gave birth to Lobhasura, a demon who had no fear of anything and who was greedy for everything.
Lobhasura tormented all the inhabitants of the three worlds. He even evicted Shiva from Mount Kailash.
The gods and people prayed to Ganesha to save them, so Ganesha manifested as Gajanana, the invincible elephant, one of Ganesha's eight avatars.
When Lobhasura saw Gajanana, he finally felt fear and ran away, terrified.
That is how Ganesha freed the three worlds from the demon Lobhasura.

Inspired byStories of Lord Ganesha
Notes:  In the traditional version, the gods go to sage Raibhya, who prays to Ganesha to manifest as Gajanana, and then a god (Shiva or Vishnu) goes to tell Lobhasura about Gajanana, and the mere report of Gajanana's existence makes him surrender. For compression, I left Raibhya out.

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